4 Ways to Prepare for Winter
It’s warm out now but before we know it the snow will be flying and the cold wind will be blowing again. Are you ready for that time? Is your home ready and will it keep your family warm without the heating bills going through the roof? Here are 4 easy ways to prepare for winter.
:: Have a Small Stockpile
Don’t be one of those last minute shoppers before a blizzard. Make sure to have at least 3 days worth of food (that you can cook without an oven or microwave), water, and any other snacks (preferable high protein snacks such as protein bars) on hand. Not only will this save you a few trips to the groceries stores while you are trying to buy what everyone else is buying, but it will save you from any impulse purchases at that time.
:: Seal Windows and Doors
Have a door you don’t use in the winter? Place some kind of seal around it so the wind can’t blow in. Use plastic window coverings over all windows that tend to be drafty. Keep the cool air out and the warm air in.
:: Have Your Cars Ready
Don’t forget to make sure your cars are prepared too! Have a small emergency or roadside kit in each of them in case you get stuck in your vehicle. Make sure you also have blankets. Don’t forget to have your car services before winter as well and put on snow or studded tires if needed.
:: Prep Your Pets
Your pets need to prepare for winter as well! If your pets are outdoors you might want to consider heated water bowls and make sure that you have a small stockpile of pet food on hand as well in case you can’t get to the store.
What are your best tips on how to prepare for winter? What are some things you always make sure to get ready?