I am typing this while going 80 miles per hour on the way to New York City. No - I'm not the one doing the driving! While I can put on mascara while doing 80, I haven't quite worked up the skill to blog and drive!
I am on a train on the way to the Essential Everyday in New York City event. For those of you that shop at Acme, Farm Fresh, Shaws, etc, you should recognize Essential Everyday as the name of the store brand at your store.
We will be touring the Good Housekeeping headquarters and test kitchens (I did this tour about 2 years ago and can't wait to do it again), then heading out to hands-on experience cooking dinner at Home Cooking New York featuring Essential Everyday and other SUPERVALU private-brand products.
Tomorrow we will be meeting with the Marketing and Communications Directors for Supervalu and I will be home by dinnertime.
Posting will be a little light for the next 30 hours, but I am really looking forward to meeting with the people who make the marketing decisions at what most of you know to be by favorite store. Anyone who has read this site for more than a year knows of my deep love of Acme and how sad I was when my local store closed.
Anyway - if you have any questions or comments for the people at Supervalu/Acme/Farm Fresh, etc...leave them in the comments and I will try to get an answer for you (or simply pass on your feedback)!
You can also follow me on Twitter (I really only funny only use Twitter for more than posting posts when I am traveling) or follow the #EEinNYC hashtag to see what we are doing!
Be back in full swing on Wednesday night!