Have you ever left home for work only to find a sock clinging to your pant leg, or perhaps your skirt clinging to your slip so you couldn't pull it down? We have all suffered at one point or another from static cling, but we have also suffered from scratchy stiff clothing as well. Fabric softener is a staple item in most pantries, but it can become a costly thing to have.
This simple homemade fabric softener recipe is a great cost effective solution that allows you to save money while continuing to provide your family with soft and pleasant smelling clothing fresh from the dryer.
This recipe is widely popular and has been found all over the Internet and Pinterest over the past few years, and we have tested it out and adapted it to suit our preferences. Using Hair Conditioner as a base in this solution gives you the opportunity to choose a different scent with every batch you make, and to use up those bottles you had picked up for free using coupons. {We prefer Suave or VO5 for this as they are inexpensive and come in a wide variety of scents.}
6 Cups Water
3 Cups Vinegar
2 Cups Hair Conditioner
Mix all ingredients together well in air tight container or empty bottle.
Use ¼-1/2 Cup per load of laundry.
We tend to stay with a little less at ¼-1/3 cup at most in our laundry but some prefer using the larger amount of ½ cup per load. If you have a fabric softener ball from past purchases, you can pour it into that and toss directly into laundry. Otherwise pour into the fabric softener slot on your washing machine. The clean or rain scents are the most popular in our home to make this with, but we have also used the strawberry and peach scents of hair conditioner and loved the fresh smell it added to our clothing as it washed.
Have you ever made your own fabric softener?