When cash is tight, the first thing most people do is to cut their expenses. They try cutting coffee costs, they may try saving money by shopping at Aldi (which you should be doing anyway) and try ways to cut the electric or gas bill.
But sooner or later many people find that there are no more expenses to cut and they simply have to bring more money in to the house.
Growing your income is not rocket science but it would seem that some folks think so. The simple truth is that we all face moments when we need extra cash. It is easy to sit back and say that you can’t possibly fit anything else into your busy schedule and that might even be true for a few, but the vast majority of us have time to earn some extra money. We may not want to, but we have the time.
Don’t make it hard on yourself or complicated guys and gals. If you need some extra cash, here are seven quick and easy ways to get some. Do the work and you get the cash. That is all it takes! No excuses, right?
Sell on Craigslist or Ebay
Craigslist and Ebay are only two of hundreds of websites that allow you to sell your stuff. You can sell virtually anything of value. You can sell baseball cards, candles, old records, cds, movies, books, furniture, jewelry, comics, clothes and even your services. Ahem… That said, get to typing and make some money already! Surely you have something you don’t want laying around!
Get a Part-time Job
Unless you are already working extremely long work weeks, you can always find a part time job. These are not as tough to find as some might have you believe. The truth is, you will find a job if you are willing to be flexible and work for it. Will you make a fortune? Probably not but you will make more than you have right now.
Look Into Being a Virtual Assistant
VAs are all the rage online because there are so many people that need help. Virtual Assistants are simply people who offer help to those online marketers, bloggers and even offices that need it. They are often jack of all trades and do whatever is needed. Social media work, website work, telephones, transcription services and so on. There are tons of opportunities if you are willing to dig online.
Offer Content Services
If someone owns a blog or website, they have to have copy to fill it. If you are a writer or can legibly put words together, the odds are pretty good that you can fill that need with others. A good place to start would be writing articles for yourself and then eventually branching out. There is a ton of work out there to try. Better yet, you could start your own web based site and do your own copy for a time!
Start a Maid Cleaning Service
“I refuse to clean toilets! I refuse to lower myself in such a manner!”
Apparently you don’t really need that extra money then. While you keep your pride, others will continue to earn good money and respect. Remember that sometimes we have to do what others won’t to survive. Be flexible and get those hands dirty if you need to.
See above and all the same things apply. This is a job that is famous for being a teen thing. If you make it an adult thing, you will be shocked at how many takers you will get. Who would you rather hire to watch your child? A teenager or a responsible adult like yourself? Exactly. There is money to made here.
Ask for a Raise
If all else fails, you can go to your boss and ask for that all elusive raise. While this might not be the easiest thing to do, you can have success with it. Go to them and ask for a raise. If they say no, ask them what you need to do to get to that level. Fulfill whatever requests he or she has and then ask again when you do. Rinse and repeat. Eventually they will give you that raise or you will realize that you need a new job.