Welcome back to 40 Ways to Recycle Household Items!
In the previous 2 posts, you learned how to re-purpose 20 things commonly thought of as trash. In this post, we will find new uses for 10 more items!
1. Milk Jugs: There are 1,000 things you can use milk jugs for but have you ever thought of these two? Take a milk jug lid and poke holes in the top and make a watering can. Another great use? Store sand in them in the trunk of your car for emergency use in the winter to get traction. Less bulky than carrying bags of sand or storing kitty litter. Just make sure that you rinse them out really well first and allow to completely dry before filling them.
2. Plastic water and pop bottles: Cut the bottoms off and use as a seedling started in the spring. Use the tops for funnels for anything from pouring motor fluids in your car to in the kitchen uses.
3. Tic-Tac containers: These make great traveling spice containers or even a good place to store bobby pins and sewing needles.
4. Green Onions: Don’t throw out the parts with the roots! You can re-grow them in your kitchen in a matter of days. Just place in a small jar, add a bit of water and a paper towel and place them in a sunny window sill.
5. Spaghetti Sauce Jars: Storage is what obviously comes to mind, but you can also use them for inexpensive glasses. They are usually thicker than a traditional drinking glass and it may sound silly and a tad shabby, but they really make amazing drinking glasses, themselves.
6. Baby Wipes tub: Store plastic shopping bags in them for re-use. They also make great tubs to store the plethora or markers and crayons your now big kid has.
7. Tin Foil: If the pan you used to cook in is glass, use the tin foil you used for the dish to scrub it out. You can also use aluminum foil to sharpen scissors. Just cut through it a few times.
8. “Altoids” mint containers: These make great purse sized kid “kits”. Just stick a few scraps of paper in one and a couple crayons as well as stickers and you have a great way to entertain a kiddo that is bored for a few moments. You can also make them into mini first aid kits by placing band aids, a bit of anti-bacterial ointment and an alcohol swab in it.
9. Old towels: Of course you can cut them up and use as rags, but one way you can really save yourself some money and the environment is to cut them so they are about washcloth size and use those instead of buying swiffer pad refills.
10. Pringles canisters: Dry spaghetti style pasta fits nicely in them. You can also use these canisters for storing craft odds and ends such as ribbons and twine.
Check out all the posts in this series